Personal Summary:

Passionate and innovative, I enjoy testing myself physically and mentally.
I strive to create a strong reputation with my employers and co-workers.

Contact Information:

Address: 1586 Kenmore road, Victoria B.C.
Postal Code: V8N 2E3
Cell Phone: (778) 952-0509
GitHub: wadeking98




Work Experience:

Quartech Systems Ltd.

May 2019 - Sept 2019

Managed and completed a proof of concept for a web application that provides proof of
immunization, medication, and lab results online. The web application, called
Patient Portal BC, uses verifyable credential technology and sits on top of Hyperledger Indy.
I was the sole person responsible for the implementation of the project.
Patient Portal BC is hosted on a Django web framework and uses a Vue.js frontend.
User accounts are managed by the Django database and are synced with Hyperledger Indy agents.
The result of this project allows encrypted peer to peer communication and sharing of
credentials using the latest verifyable credential technology.

Greak Heritage Project Museum

May 2018 - Sept 2018

Completed coop term project of a full system to catalogue museum artifacts and a
user interface to search the database. Responsible for all aspects of the project
including planning, design, development, testing and implementation. Worked with
the key sponsor of the project to create a successful system for the museum that
utilized technologies of relational databases
This system will handle up to 100Gb of artifacts and hundreds of users
Once the system was operational, I provided demonstrations and instruction on the
system to stakeholders and interested parties at Greek days, over 3 consecutive


June 2016 - Sept 2017

Two consecutive summers, Responsible for removal of construction debris or
furniture from clients homes. I was able to develop my communication skills by
negotiating with customers and by problem solving with my team mates


UVIC Computer Science, 4th Year

Virtual Reality Club

Sept 2018 -

Work collaboratively with fellow student club members to develop a vitual city
in VR that includes multiplayer functionality
As leader of the Network team, I was responsible for creating the multiplayer
functionality as well as breakdown of work to be completed and
assigning to other club members.